Sunday, November 26, 2006

Well, the news is we've bought a house. Hmmm. From nothing to baby + house + mortgage in so little time. Surprising for us all. The house is two bedrooms plus studio (with bathroom) and, as many others would have it, gamesroom/weights room/guesthouse/study/cabana/just a bloody garage with the roller door blocked off. Needless to say, we are all very chuffed and looking forward to moving in and seeing all of you on your visits to OUR house to use your gamesroom/weights room/guesthouse/study/cabana/just a bloody garage with the roller door blocked off. You all know who I'm talking to.

Meanwhile, Manny seems to be teething (no teeth yet - but boy, can he bite hard) which is being accompanied by the usual rotten moods that go with such a state of what I can only imagine to be nasty annoying toothy head pains. He's still rolling, and how! So much more dexterous each day. He can now get up into the charming 'humping' position, but much prefers to go all the way to legs straight and head ploughing into the carpet position. I've told him that he'll never get anywhere doing that, but he likes it all the same. It's about style, not movement.

We (Manny and me, no Matt :( ) recently spent some time with Chris and Peta and Louka at my Mum and Dad's unit at Port Macquarie, which was really lovely. Peta and Chris were so great to me and gave me a pedicure and manicure (not personally, a lady up the road did it) and looked after Manny for nearly two hours! Chrisso was also personally involved in giving Manny his first bottle (my milk, not formula), although Manny did manage to hold the bottle himself for a bit. We are in training for this weekend, when Penny and Scott come to Sydney to mind Manny for a whole near 24 hours, while Matt and I have a night off to go to the lovely Tony and Angela Maria's wedding. Bit nervous though, as ever since the Chris-Manny bottle bonanza, Manny has steadfastly refused to entertain the idea of my milk in a bottle. Last night we had success with some very watery juice in a bottle and some (gasp) formula in a bottle, but my milk is only good taken from the source. Funny, cause he'll quite happily attempt to eat other things that are not tasty at all (paper, string, fluff, leaves, hair etc) but the thing he loves the most is conditional on the container it comes in.


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